
As a first post to the really simple blog-type framework I put together, here is a short outline of how it all works (in case I forget as well as just for viewing by others).

Every post gets its own HTML page, each of which reference a single common stylesheet to make them all uniform in appearance. All the content in a post, whether it's one paragraph or three short essays and a set of images, all sits in the main ID'd div that is used for two purposes- one, so a :before element can be added to make a simple header, and two (not yet implemented but hopefully will be soon) so that I can replace the manual thumbnails on index.html with automated thumbnails that just get the first paragraph or first image of every post neatly tossed in the box.

Of course, this is all really simple, and while it would be nice to use an interface like wordpress or tumblr have I'm sticking with my own system, mostly as a learning experience (prior to making this website I've relearned and reforgetten HTML/CSS/JS two or three times).

If any actual experienced web developer ever happens to see this and wants to call me out on my not-so-good development practices, there's a couple social media/contact links at the top right of the main page, on the navigation bar, where you can feel free to roast me.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying learning as I go and putting together this great little website and I hope anyone else watching is enjoying it too!